Just In

James Brown Goes To Town!

Screen-printing illustrator extraordinaire James Brown has launched his latest collection prints in store! The new shop series look great framed in pairs and we love the typography of the Love and Work editions.

And finally, adding to the success of the Viking print and Beaufort Scale, James takes us to outer space with New Moon. Groovy!


BAKERY james brown, found bath boutique stella telegraph top 50 concept store vogue glamour

Bakery Print / £65.00

PRINTINGWORKS found bath boutique stella telegraph top 50 concept store vogue glamour

Printing Works / £65.00

JEWELLER, found, james brown, stella telegraph top 50 found bath boutique designer shop vogue top 100 glamour magazine

Jeweller / £65.00

CHANDLERY james brown, found bath boutique stella telegraph top 50 concept store vogue glamour

Chandlery Print / £65.00

LOVE&WORK, found bath boutique stella telegraph top 50 concept store vogue glamour

Love and Work Print / £45.00

WORKisLOVE found bath boutique stella telegraph top 50 concept store vogue glamour

Work is Love / £45.00

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New Moon / £35.00